The Original
Wimberley Scholastic Chess Club
Entry Form

I want to play chess!

Information from student
Student's Name:
I have: Board and pieces
A tournament chess clock
No equipment
USCF ID number (if a member):
Current USCF rating (if any):
Check every chess activity
in which you are interested.
Team competition (playing against other schools or clubs)
Club tournaments (unrated)
Rated matches (individual rated games, not part of a bigger tournament)
Skittles (casual play)
Speed chess
Simultaneous (play a master)
Club organization
At the present time,
which of these descriptions best fits you?
I do not know how to move all the pieces.
I know how to move all the pieces, but I'm not sure what "capturing en passant" means or whether the King can move through check when castling.
I understand castling and en passant, but have not played in USCF rated tournaments.
I have played in a USCF rated scholastic tournaments (restricted to K-12).
I have played in USCF or FIDE non-scholastic tournaments (open to players of any age).
Information from parent or guardian
How did you or your child find out about our club?
Parent or guardian:
Mailing address:
Zip code:
Home phone:
Daytime phone (if different):
Emergency contact: Name
Phone number
How often would you be able to stay at the club and volunteer?
Never or seldom
Will your child need bus transportation to the meetings?
Because of building-use restrictions, you will need to sign an agreement to let a volunteer take your child home with them until you can be reached, in the event that you are unable to pick up your child by 5:00 P.M.
Privacy statement. This information is confidential. We will occasionally send announcements concerning club business to your email address. We will not sell, lend, give away, or share any of the contents of this form with other persons not conducting official business of this club. If you ever wish to be removed from the club mailing list, just send a removal request to this address:



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